Saturday, April 19, 2008

20 Raunchy Questions With Jason Dottley

its here!! its here!! that special thing i've been hinting at is finally here and i'm soooo excited! remember how i was talking about that show, sordid lives? well one of the stars of the show, jason dottley who plays ty, was directed to the blog by google reader after i did that post. well, he said he thought the blog was really hot and offered to do an interview. of course i jumped at the chance. jason's really hot and really cool. he was also nice enough to send some really sexy pictures. so here is us playing a little game of 20 raunchy questions. well they aren't all raunchy. i had to ask a few serious questions about the show. but don't worry, we get to the good stuff, like how big his dick is. well anyway, without further ado, here is my interview with jason. enjoy.

q: So, I have to admit that I've never actually seen the other incarnations of Sordid Lives before. From what I've found (gotta love Wikipedia), it was originally a play, and then became a film, and now it's a series. Sounds exhausting. So, for the uninitiated, what's it all about?

a:It's about love and acceptance, ultimately. A family is seemingly divided over a few issues, a matriarch Peggy (Rue McClanahan) who's recently been widowed hits a wild spree, while her gay son Brother Boy (played by Leslie Jordan) is in a mental ward channelling Tammy Wynette, she's got a chain-smoking sister (Beth Grant) who lives with her oldest and wildest daughter Lavonda (Ann Walker), and finally a controlling holier-than-thou daughter Latrelle (Bonnie Bedelia) who, among other things, is in severe denial that her actor son Ty (me, Jason Dottley), who has moved to L.A., is gay. Whew!

q: So does the show pick up where the film and the movie left off, or does it start the story from the beginning for us fools that are a little late jumping on board?

a: The series begins before the movie. It's a prequel. It starts the day Tammy Wynette dies. Fans will understand the severity of this circumstance. :)

q: You and your husband Del Shores have worked together on a bunch of plays. Any plans to adapt any of the others into a series or a movie?

a: We have a pilot we co-wrote called "Intersections", a movie adaptation of Shores' "Southern Baptist Sisses" (starring Delta Burke and Leslie Jordan) we are producing together, and hopefully he's busy working on "Ty"s spin-off because I'm ready for my own show!

q: The trailer for Sordid has a quick snippet of a sex scene between you and another guy. Are you the top or the bottom in this scene? I couldn't figure out which one you were. And please tell me that this will stay in the show when it's aired.

that's ted on the right!

a: It will NOT be aired on LOGO, a more PG version will though. They have strict policies about such things. The good news is that it WILL be on the DVD and in foreign markets. And working backwards, I was the bottom. As I told my co-star, "Dig your head into my chest and hold on for dear life! I'll do everything else". He's straight, god bless his soul. Ted Detwiler is his name and he is such a hero of mine. He's never afraid to play gay, yet he is as straight as you can possibly be. Just wait till you see him in Del's next feature "Southern Baptist Sissies".

q: Were you and that guy really fucking? Cause it was very convincing.

a: Why thank you! No, and it was far from it! Del was yelling, "move your foot here, hand there". It was erotic for the time between "Action" and "Cut", I mean come on, you saw how hot my co-star is, and besides that, as an actor, I had to find safety in that sex scene, in the intimacy. If I hadn't, the surrounding chaos of lights and crew would have made it impossible for it to have ever been "very convincing" as a sex scene, especially one about making love more than fucking. I actually have always wanted to have an orgasm on screen, well a pretend one... I guess some dreams do come true.

q: How often will you be fucking on the show?

a: Honestly, not that often Season 1. It was very important to Del Shores that "Ty"'s journey be real, as he saw it. As you watch the season unfold, you will understand the sexual evolution of "Ty". But there's plenty of hot scenes, so worry not!

q: So the cast features, just to name a few people, Rue McClanahan, Caroline Rhea, Olivia Newton-John, and Leslie Jordan (very happy about that one!). What was it like working with all those fabulous women?

a: Like one big gay wet dream. Add Margaret Cho guest-starring as one of my terrible therapist and the wet-dream is done! I've known Olivia for about 6 years. I've spent Christmas and New Year's with her, but working with her was totally different. She's a legend. An icon. In TV, Rue is an iconic figure, as well, and Leslie is on his way. Working with these pro's made me feel so much pressure that I stepped-up my game more than I ever thought possible. Plus they are all fantastic people. I miss them all now!

q: You were arrested the night before you came home from Shreveport where you film the show. What was it like being arrested? Were the cops at least hot? I read they let you go. What sex act did you have to do in return?

a: Well, to be accurate, I was handcuffed, not arrested properly. Sadly, my cop fantasy did not turn out as I'd hoped. Basically my best friend T. Ashanti Mozelle (who is gay and black - and is in the series, too!) was with me at a rather white/straight bar in Shreveport when an undercover cop accused him of selling me drugs. After trying to talk our way out of the situation, we were taken by force up an elevator to street level. Here's when I think my mouth got me into trouble. First of all, I was innocent so I wasn't fearful. (First mistake) Anyway, the cop kept harassing me about all the "drugs" he was "going to find" on me and how much I was going to hate jail. This all taking place in front of other patrons in the elevator. Finally I said, "Officer, when you search me, the only thing you're going to find intoxicating on me is my 8.5 inch cock." The elevator erupted into laughter, the doors opened and I was slung to the ground and handcuffed faster than you can say "blow-job". Truthfully, it scared me to death. they separated Ashanti from me and accused him of selling me drugs while I was in the back of a squad car. After about 15 minutes they let us go and then told us, "Go back to California where you boys belong." This statement coming from the same police department that beat the crap out of that drunk lady a month ago -- did you see that on the news? That could have been us. That was frightening. So, no, no sex acts offered. I wasn't in the mood :)

q: So I know the show hasn't even aired its first episode yet, but are things looking good for a second season? From the trailer alone I'm hooked, so please say yes.

a: I do not know for certain anything, but I'd bet my money on a Season 2 for certain. I don't mean to sound too grand but what other great scripted TV shows still exist? I love reality TV, love it. But it's nice to see fiction back on the teley! Especially really good fiction!

q: How big is your cock?

a: Ask the Shreveport Police Department... I'll just say this, I am part Italian. Yes, that part.

q: So I assume you're out to your family. How'd that go?

a: I'm so out it's nuts! My mom asked me when I was 16. She was so happy for me. I was terrified of my dad's side because my granddad is a hero in the South, a football hero. Ironically, his dad was my biggest supporter! It wasn't easy with them all at first, and I have a big family, but you know, Leslie Jordan gave me the best advice once that I'll never forget. He said, "It sometimes takes us years to deal with the fact that we're gay, yet we expect our families to just adjust and accept it immediately. They need time too." I've been out completely for 6 years. During that time I've gone from dealing with a cold and disconnected family to one that embraces me and my husband as much as humanly possible. And you know what I believe? Coming out is the single strongest action you can take for yourself and for the community. I know for a fact that my coming out changed at least a few dozen relatives opinions on "gays". If we all did that, do the math...

q: Are you a top, bottom, or versatile? Hint: I'm a bottom so you should be a….

a: My publicist is going to kill me for answering this question. (and I love it!) Very versatile.

q: What is your favorite part of your body?

a: What a vain question! My hands... because they remind me of my dad's hands. He died when I was 18.

q: What is your favorite part of other men's bodies?

a: I love a man's thighs, but mostly where they lead up to.

q: Who is your favorite porn star?

a: Matthew Rush. He actually saw me on tour in Florida and said he was a fan. I thought, you're a fan?

q: Tell me something about yourself that might surprise people.

a: It won't surprise them if they read this, LOL. I'm very easy going and sweet, a typical Southern gentleman. BUT my idol is Madonna and I am a control freak like no other. And I can be the biggest diva you've ever seen. At least, I try to be. :)

q: You're stranded on a desert island and you can only bring one person to fuck. And it can't be your husband. Who is it?

a: Without even needing to think: DAVID BECKHAM. I met him one night at Hyde Lounge here in L.A. Shook hands, chatted. All I could think was that I would not be strong enough to say, "sorry, I'm married," to an indecent proposal from Beckham. He was super-nice. And really thin. The best though was when his body guard came over and told me I needed to step away from Beckham (as if!). David said something to the effect of, "He's fine, mate. We're just chatting it up." I came and died simultaneously at that very moment.

q: What is your favorite thing to do with a guy? Sexually speaking of course. I don't care if yo like to cuddle.

a: Only those whom have ever graced my sheets can possibly know the answer to that question :)

q: What attracts you to a man? Your answer to this should be sexually charged as well. Big dick and nice ass are acceptable answers. Nice eyes and blah blah are not.

a: Talent. Then a great stomach. All abs lead to heaven, that's what I've heard. I also must have a strong man. STRONG. That's one reason why Del and I are such a great fit. He doesn't let me get away with anything! And I love it!

q: You've been married for a while. What can I, or any of my readers do to lure you away from your husband? Or do you at least have an open relationship? Cause he really should share you with the world.

a: Well, he is sharing me with the world by letting me live another life as "Ty". It's as open as we can be. And greatly unfair for him, don't you think, LOL?

so that's our sexy little interview. im a little sad that sex scene won't be on logo but i guess that's just a good reason to go and buy that dvd. if you want to read more about the show, which will premier july 23rd, you can go to logo and if you want to see more about jason check out his official site. i just want to say a huge thank you to jason for doing this interview. it was a lot of fun. and if anyone else wants to play 20 raunchy questions let me know. good fucks.


DeWayne In San Diego said...

Damn this was a Hot interview you really had a surprise for us!

Jason is so fine and so out, gay media is really coming of age!

dickophile said...

glad somebody appreciated it!! it was so much fun to do and i hope to convince some other poor soul to do another interview with me sometime soon.

Anonymous said...

I re-read this and this guy sounds hot. I don't know who he is though?!

Anonymous said...

Wow..what ahottie and I've been waiting for this series my whole life! sordid lives is my favorite movie ever and I'm so glad they replaced that other Ty with this fucking hottie. god damn! I'm officially a Jason Dottley fan already. conrats Dick Pics on a great interview.

dickophile said...

bobby - he's an actor who stars on the show we talked about called sordid lives. the show is gonna be on logo which is a gay channel out here in the states. that must be why you haven't heard about him, though i think its supposed to air overseas at some point. and like he said in the interview you guys get the sex scene. lucky bastards.

oooliviafan - thanks ofan! glad we could convert you!

Bruce said...

Google ate my comment and it was good to!!! Thanks Tim for a great interview. I'm a hugh Del Shores fan and Sordid Lives is great. I've seen the play twice, once with Jason in the roll. He's even hotter in person if that's possible. Great job!!

Volker said...

Hot interview! Any others planned? - Volker

dickophile said...

volker - id love to do another but first i have to find someone interesting that is willing to subject themselves to my line of questioning!

Volker said...

I'm sure you'll come up with something or we'll come up with some suggestions! Either way you'll do just fine. - Volker

Volker said...

How about Brent Corrigan???

Anonymous Blogger said...

by any chance does he teach at OCC, cause i think i've attended one of his shows or something before, and he signed this paper for me, weird.

dickophile said...

anonymous - not sure what occ is actually. and if he did i probably wouldn't know to be honest. but anything is possible.

Tom H said...

Your interviewing skill is inate and effective. One would expect vapid questions and evasive answers in a celebrity puff piece but you avoided all that. Who is next?

dickophile said...

thanks tom! thats very sweet. i definitely tried to do my best especially since it was my first time and i didnt want to seem like a complete idiot. as for who's next i have no clue. i've asked 2 or 3 different people but i never got a response. the truth is i lucked into the interview with jason. finding someone else will probably be as a hard as, well, my cock when i found out how big mr dottleys is.

Anonymous said...

Great delivery. Оutstanding arguments. Kеep up the great effort.

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