seriously. it was amazing. i was blown away. i wouldnt say it was the best episode ever. that would have to be blink or midnight. and i didnt like it as much as torchwood children of the earth. but still i loved it and i thought i was going to hate it. matt smith totally won me over and amy pond seems like she'll be a fun companion. plus im looking foward to seeing more of tom hopper cause hes really hot and i want to sit on his face.

though i cant help but thinking they need to give the doctor a male companion. dont get me wrong i love rose and martha and especially donna and amy seems cool but i think the doctors next companion should be a big strong man wholl bend him over and fuck the shit out of him. im sure pleasuring himself with the sonic screwdriver is getting old. anyway i really have no complaints. well actually i dont much like the new tardis or the new graphics in the intro. but other than that it was great.
and of course it helps that matts a poof.

move over john barrowman. theres a new fag in the whoverse.

so. what did you think? poll time!!
Matt Smith is a POOF-WOW-I live in North America and we do not get Dr Who-I have only seen him in Party Animals
matts not really gay actually. i was just being sarcastic. i think he has a girlfriend. i live in the states too and actually we do get it over here. it used to be on the sci fi channel and the new season starts on bbc america in a week or so. but maybe you dont have those channels.
Tom Hopper's lips look like they were MADE to pleasure a man. DAMN!
anony - his entire body was made to pleasure a man.
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