Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Sorry I Have't Blogged In A While. I Keep Meaning To. I Have So Much To Say. Especially About Skins And Stuff. But In The Meantime....

oh. my. pretty. pink. penis!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! chace crawford molesting himself in full view of the paparazzi? its like his special gift just to me. this only could have been better if it was ed's hand down there. or mine. or mine and eds. or my ass and eds hand. or my ass and eds dick in my ass with chace's.

work it girl!! seriously. hes never looked gayer.

well. maybe a little gayer.

that one never gets old. ta cunt lickers!

1 comment:

dickophile said...

i actually find it sweet that you're looking forward to a skins post. it makes me feel like ive done something right.