Friday, February 1, 2008

Rugby Players Are Hot

did you guys see that vid of the sandbach rugby players? i saw it awhile ago and ran across it again today. it was a bunch of straight (?) rugby players that were followed by cameras and caught getting drunk which is when they're evil gay twins came out. among the myriad activities they were involved in were making out, nipple biting, yanking each others dicks, and generally stripping down to their birthday suits. then later they were shown the footage (apparently they didn't remember most of it) and none of them seemed to be particularly disturbed. this obviously means they're either gay or very, very secure with their hetero selves. this got me to thinking if straight (?) rugby players have no shame what about gay ones? so if you are or happen to know a rugby player please send some pics. it will make me and i'm sure the blog readers very happy.

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