Thursday, April 10, 2008

Pretty Fucking Cool

so im a bit in shock. rj danvers left a comment in response to this post. and i just wanted to say thanks for dropping by rj. its kind of a big deal because this is our first porn star comment. unless anonymous is secretly a porn star. and because this is such a major occasion/honor i have decided that is deserves its own post. so here goes. rj's love note, er, i mean comment to me:

Hey boy! Thanx so much for posting about this!!! Means a lot!!! We gotta make it happen!

so yeah im kind of swooning right now. i noticed he used lots of exclamation points which is a phallic symbol. i wonder if he's trying to send me some sort of message.....anyway i've added a link to rj's blog and i've added a handy link straight to where you can vote for rj at the top right hand corner of this blog which will stay there till the competition ends. like rj said we gotta make this thing happen. get to work bitches. frix out.

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