Wednesday, May 20, 2009

I'm Fucking Smitten.

he just so fucking adorable!!! looking at him makes my eyes cum.

update: so apparently the video isnt working. ive tried re-embedding the vid like a thousand times now and the fucking thing just wont work. ill try again tomorrow but in the mean time click here if you want to make your eyes cum.

update 2: tried fixing the video but still not working. fuck! it works at but not here. not sure why and i checked the other college life vids i embedded and they work fine. so just go ahead and click the link above. its worth it. the video is both hilarious and cute.


A said...

need to repost, video no longer available. LAAAMMME. it's only been like, an hour

dickophile said...

you're right. that is lame. ill see if i can fix it.

mac20 said...

Smitten is a lucky guy. Your anonymous pink pucker secret is safe with me.

dickophile said...

mac - huh? what secret are you talking about?