Thursday, July 24, 2008

In The Closet With Helmet Head: Heterosexual To Bisexual, The Conclusion

and here it is. the conclusion of hetero to bi. i hope you've all enjoyed the story as much as i did and i hope you all leave bunches of comments letting me and helmet head know how you feel. dont be shy. and if you havent already check out part 1, part 2, and part 3. fuck you.

Heterosexual To Bisexual - Part 4

One day at work I went on the Internet to look for some hardwood to rebuild my deck at home. Well if you search for “hardwood” wood is not the only thing you find. That day sparked a curiosity I had not had since looking at my RM mags in Fla many years ago. The curiosity in me that kept growing till about a year and a half ago when, I decided that it was time for me to do something about it, so I started with a few erotic massages, I have been a believer in massage for many years so it was not much of a stretch for me to get an erotic massage. So I searched for massages from a few web sites and had a few different massages with happy endings. Some of them the guys were HOT and some not, some of the massages were good and some not, some allowed me to touch them, some of them I walked out on after seeing the place and them. This filled the void I had for a short time then I decided that I wanted more. I found a guy on Craig’s list in the erotic section. He had a web site and I had a good feeling about him so I booked a 2 hour weekend time slot at his studio. I had told him that I was looking for more then a rub and jerk, and he told me that he would work with me and my request. When the day came for me to go see him I made sure I was squeaky clean, he met me at the door and I was very happy to see he looked like his website. He showed me to the room he works in and it had a table set up with a heated pad. He had me lay face down on the table and started to work on my back. He is the best massage therapist and yes he truly is a licensed therapist. At one point during the massage I could feel his cock brush the side of my head, I rolled my head over and took his cock in my mouth. He never missed a beat working on my back. When he got down to my lower back he started to work on my ass with his finger then a shiver went up my spine as he started to work my hole with his toungue. It was the first rim job I have ever had, there were a lot of firsts that day for me. He and I hit it off very well to the point that I made another appt to see him the next week. After seeing him the second time we both had connected with each other in such a way that he became my first Fuck Buddy. That meant that I only had to pay him if he was doing a massage on me, which I went to him for as well as sex. I still have a special place for him in my heart, as he was my first. I have since moved on to a different hook up site and now have a few FB I see from time to time. There are a lot of things on my list that I still want to try and when the time, guy and place are right I will.


Anonymous said...

Wow!! Great Story! You are lucky things are working out! What about ur wife though? Does she know?

dickophile said...

as far as i know helmet heads wife does not know about his secret life.