Monday, May 19, 2008

OMF....Wait. That's All You Got?

not so major gossip girl spoilers below the jump (cause really, the whole thing was a huuuuuge disappointment)

so when thinking back on tonights finale of gossip girl the first word that springs to mind is disappointed. now that's not to say there was anything wrong with it. well, no, there was. but only in terms of a finale. if it was any other episode i would have loved it. but it wasn't. it was the finale. and after watching the hotness that was the desperate housewives finale last night i just can't help but feel let down.

so first they go and ruin a great murder plot by lowering serena's iq to the point that she thinks letting a fellow druggie do their own coke is considered murder and now this? you get rid of georgy girl in the first, what was it 15, 20 minutes? the most interesting character and the most interesting plot at the moment just done like that? you don't drag it out. you just end it so early that all i can think about is how lame her undoing was and hoping above all hope that she was gonna crash into the van der woodsen/bass nuptials to wreck more havoc meanwhile not paying attention to anything else going on which is good since it was all equally disappointing.

i don't know. i guess after hearing all the people connected with the show talking about twists and cliffhangers i was let down. cause there were none. sure lily went through with the wedding. but that had already been leaked. big whoop. chuck cheats leaving blair abandoned. but who cares as long as she has a tall glass of hunk to fly off with. (though we'll take a moment to admit that the always thrilling "im chuck bass" was spot on.) yeah, yeah, yeah. dan and vanessa are like this close to falling for each other again. but that does not gloss over the fact that you guys let a break-up go down without showing it or at least giving us all the dirty deets. bitch please! oh and what the fuck! serena and nate!?!?!?!?! omg...not! it was obvious those two would end up entangled again back when he kissed her at the masquerade ball. no wait. that was jenny who was mostly missing from this episode. but back to s and n. that is obviously just so they can have another s versus b smack down. wait. you think a once again betrayed b and an angry g who has returned from boot camp (where she will be rebuilt and made faster and stronger) will team up to knock that bitchy whorey betrayey serena off her pedestal? now that i am all for. but that's not what we got tonight. we got georgey being stopped with an amateur move (am i really supposed to believe she can't wrap daddy back around that pretty little pinky to get out of this?) and serena and dan breaking up and then getting back together and breaking up and then dancing only to break up again. and then....nothing!!!! im pissed. i needed a murder attempt. a runaway bride. a chuck shocking me by actually going to blair instead of ditching her. hell i would have forgiven that whole blasphemous "finale" if they had at least ended it with georgina watching s and n walk off together with an evil grin. that would have made up for everything. that would have made me happy. that would have made me cum! but no. so now i have to wait for next season and hope they get the next finale right.

so, what do you guys think will go down in the hamptons? are s and n really hooking up or was that just a tease and will she remain a faithful friend? and do you think im being naive in hoping maybe the best resolution to who blair should end up with could be a nate/blair/chuck threesome? and what about jenny? is that whole waldorf internship a white flag or a sinister plot? plot! plot! plot! and what about lily? and eric? and rufus? tell me all in the comments.

xoxo, horny boy.

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