Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Work Out Is Turning Into A Hot Tranny Mess

so yeah i don't know what else to call it. have you been watching? did you see tonight's episode? oh wow. scandalous. i feel so bad for peeler! when i first saw him fired i was kinda shocked and considering the circumstances surrounding it a bit upset and found out i wasn't the only one. in fact after clicking around a few sites saw that jackie has apparently been under scrutiny. i didn't realize at first people were actually speaking out and calling advertisers because of some of the stuff that's been happening. anyway tonight poor peeler hit an all time low. it was just so sad. and he's so cute and adorable. and drunk. and groveling. and when he walked off into the dark? soo sad. is that the end of peeler? and can i have him now that his wife is done with him?


null said...

Peeler is a disaster. I focus all my energy on JD though. I've now gotten to the point of fast forwarding through all the parts not including him.

dickophile said...

wait. you're reading my blog? and...commenting on it? i feel so special. and because this is my blog and not yours and we agreed to keep the dirty here i will admit that special means hard. not leaking though. you'll have to do something more for the leaking.