Monday, March 3, 2008

Crazy James and The Gay Sitcom

so i feel kinda silly for telling you this as you may already know, but i didnt find out about it until just a couple minutes ago so you may not know, but if you did already know im very disappointed in all of you for not alerting me as i have recently become obsessed with all things james. anyway, remember how i was literally just talking about how i thought that one vid of james was just the beginning and that there must be more based on the way they were talking? that obviously this wasnt just a one time thing? well i just confirmed my deepest desire!!! not only is james in more stuff hes in a sitcom! or a sitfuck! or fuckcom! what ever you want to call it. the name of it is dirty tricks and its coming out sometime this month and its produced by dirty boy as well. sadly the site doesnt specify when exactly its cumming out. anyway follow the link to see a very cheesey trailer. it looks very interesting and i think this must be where crazy james gets hardcore and starts fucking bitches. cant wait. but whats funny is they seem to be taking this fuckcom seriously as they've even given it its own website, tho the promotional push may only be because james is involved with it. they also have some photos up so look at those too. sadly they dont show much. like no nudity at all but im sure that will change soon enough. enjoy.

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