Monday, March 24, 2008

Fuck! Shit!!! Holy Mother Of Homo!! Gossip Girl Is Going Gay!!!!!

omg. omg. o-m-fucking-g!!!! i just read that one of the gossip boys is going gay!!!!! okay give me a second to breathe.

okay here's what i know, gossip girl is returning april 21st and in what will be the first new episode for what feels like forever a gossip boy will reveal that he is gay!!! now i read this info at two different places: perez hilton and tv guide. now perez makes it seem as though it will be dan, chuck, or nate. and that is all well and good and i would love to see a little nate on chuck. or nate on dan. or nate on me. but ausiello leaves a bit more wiggle room as to who it could be. he says it may or may not be one of those three. and frankly i think he's just teasing us. lets break it down:

dan: i never read the books but from what i hear he did have a little man on man. supposedly he kissed a guy. now what i cant seem to figure out is if he was gay or just curious because i read one place that he went full blown gay but in another that he was simply into a guy but of course got over it. he would be fun as gay and is the only one of the three that went gay in the books. a good contender but lets face it, the show supposedly changes a lot from the books and i dont see them breaking dan and serena up this soon. at least not the way they left things when last we saw the sickeningly happy love birds.

chuck: i read somewhere as well that it was at one point implied or hinted at or something really vague was said that would lead one to believe that chuck might be gay. he however didn't, from what i've read, ever actually do anything gay. so its probably not him. plus there's still the love triangle to be dealt with between him and nate and blair (can't wait to see her fuck all her enemies up. blair is soooo her generations atia. go and look for them now bitches.)

nate: chace crawford's sex life aside (i'm not implying anything about his sexuallity i'm simply saying we should put it aside cause if we think to much about how hot his ass must be as he plunges his hard, thick cock into various orifices while sweating buckets and holding you close we'll never get anything done) so that aside, the chances of them making him gay are slim. he's the shows leading man. no way are they fucking that up. plus from what i can tell he wasn't gay in the books. though i will say it would make some sense. nate is so confused and fucked up and lonely i could easily see him falling for the right male vixen.

but lets face it. it isn't one of them. as penn said in an interview we might, maybe, won't but could see dan go gay far into the future. but not now and same goes for the others. no we all know who it is. the most obvious gay on the show. the only guys who's character, or at least a version of his character, was a full blown homosexual in the books. eric van der woodsen.

eric: i dont know if he was featured in the books. i dont think he was. i think he was mentioned but not shown. i could be wrong. i read it a while ago and can't find where. anyway what i do remember is that he was gay. though his version was also older and already in college. where as our eric is younger than serena and seems to have a thing for jenny. he did try to commit suicide so that might tie into the whole depressed gay thing.

point is that as much as the tease at perez that it would be one of the three main guys was nice, ausiello left that wiggle room which dashed my momentary high and made it pretty clear that eric is probably our gay. oh well. i'm off. please forgive me for letting out my inner teenage girl. i promise it wont happen often and as we speak im locking the little bitch back up again. while i do that you should weigh in on this whole drama in the comments and in the fun new poll on the right there. who is the gay?? and if you've read the books and can once and for all tell me who was gay and who was curious and who was straight please enlighten us (i say us so i don't feel left out in my gossip girl obsession) cause im a little irritated with all the misinformation floating around the internet about all the characters sexual orientations. good fucks.


dit said...

You cant save a damsel is she likes her distress. - gossip girl quote. lol

dickophile said...

haha. guess im not alone in my obsession. one of my faves is "why waste precious time dreaming when waking life is so much better?".

Bruce said...

I voted for Eric, I don't think it will be one of the 3 main characters. IMHO

dit said...

"if you weren't such a perv . . . the CIA would hire you in a minute!" XOXO Gossip Girl. lol

dickophile said...

bruce: yeah sad but true. im still gonna hold out hope they'll let dan go gay at some point. maybe in "gossip girl, the college dirt"?

dit: okay how about "aww. too bad you missed the assembly. not that it matters. brown doesn't offer degrees in slut." which of course was followed by: "spotted. s, not so fashionably late, and dressed down by b. Game on, ladies."