Sunday, March 16, 2008

Chris Knocked Up Jal

so i forgot to do this earlier but thats okay because im doing it now. not that you even care cause for all i know you hate these which is also okay because frankly i dont do it for you i do it for me so there. so on this/last weeks skins chris got his moment to shine. and among the craziness of this episode was him getting kicked out of school.

cassie is back and has hopped on board the whole bitch is the new black bandwagon. and i have to say i like bitchy cassie. i like bitchy cassie a lot.

i like maxxie even more. i hope he gets some soon. i hate that they barely give him a love life. last season the most we saw was him and tony and this season all we had was him and the chav boy. one ep of maxxie fucking is not enough people!!

did i mention that the event i have been awaiting all season, the coupling of jal and chris, finally happened? and of course as a result chris will now be having a baby with jal. god help that child. i mean really, the skinners parents are bad enough. can you imagine how bad they'll be?

that psycho sketch outdid herself when she turned anwar into maxxie. whats next? is she gonna get to start fucking chav boys?

it was hilarious tho.

can't forget tony. love tony. want to fuck tony. want to help tony get an erection. will spend all of eternity working on his penis if necessary.

what i noticed in this episode is that a lot of the characters were switching personalities. think about it. cassie is like the new tony going around causing chaos. tony is the new cassie what with his newly found dimwittedness (is that a word? no. oh fuck it). then theres the whole maxxie/anwar thing. and we cant forget about jal who is like the new michelle what with her skanky antics in this ep. oh well. i dont mind. its actually kinda fun watching them all change and grow up. well change anyway. i dont think theyre quite grown up yet. cant wait for the next episode. it seems to focus on tony which is quite odd since each character only got one episode last year. oh well. i dont mind. as long as maxxie gets the same. anyway dont forget to vote in the poll and dont forget to tell dongy kong how much we enjoy his dick! good night and good fucks. what's that? not fucking anyone? no boyfriend? that's why you have nothing else to do with your pathetic life but read this blog? ok then. good night and good jerking off. better?


we could grow up 2gether said...

skins, so my addiction, cant live without

dickophile said...

yeah i know what you mean. i dont know what im gonna do next series since they said the only character coming back is effie.