Friday, March 28, 2008

Effy Fixed Everything

effy seems to have taken over as the manipulator in the stonem family. or the puppet master. she kept things together as her mother fell apart, her brother lounged around in his emergency pants, and her father ran off to, wherever. but back to tony. how long do you think the writers will be able to find reasons to get him naked?

i can think of a few......

i wonder if he would let me lick his chest.

anyway it was another amazing episode. i wish i had found more caps but frankly this was the best scene anyway so it doesn't matter. other fun things about this episode: effy managed to light a fire under sids ass so he'd go and fight for his woman. or as effy's new best friend pandora would say, fight for his whore. why is she a whore? because she discovered the power of the pussy! but it was only momentary and by the end of the episode cassie and sid made up. funny scene with chris as well. what else....oh michelle and tony are back together too. well sort of. they didn't make out on a couch like sid and cassie but michelle did tell tony she loves him so that was good. and pandora was of course a blast. hope she sticks around and has a part next season when effy and her friends are supposed to take over. can't wait for next week. jal's episode last year was probably my favorite. i hope its as good this year. good night and good fucks.

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