Tuesday, March 11, 2008

My Sign Off

so remember how i said i had a post coming up concerning the future of the blog? well, here it is. for a while now i've been thinking about having a sign off. something fun to end each post with so that we all know the pile of rubbish i throw at you on a daily basis has come to an end. but i've decided to take the advice of that fellow blogger i told you about and use this as the opportunity to get you guys involved and interacting with me by allowing you to vote. here are a few sign offs i came up with. you probably recognize them from recent posts where i've been trying them out. here goes:

1. that is all. - i like this one. its short and to the point.

2. good night, and good fucks. - funny yet vulgar. like me.

3. frix out! - silly and just fun to say.

4. wwbd? (what would bobby do?) - i don't think this one makes since as a sign off but its my new mantra so i thought i'd try it out.

anyway, the poll is up now and i've given it a prime spot so you hopefully won't miss it. i'd really like all you to not only vote but sound off in the comments about which ones you like and why. and if you refuse to publicly admit you read this blog by leaving a comment then just send me an email at timfrix@gmail.com. ill be leaving the poll open for a month cause i know you guys like to take your time. also, just to make sure no one forgets about this important dick pics event ill be using all the sign offs in a constant rotation for the next month or so. but wait, theres more. because i only have four sign offs and because you may not like any of them and since you are the ones who will have to read them, i want you to send your own suggestions for a sign off to me and ill add the ones i like to the poll for everyone to vote on. like your opinions you can send your sign off entries to either my email or leave them in the comments. i really do want your opinions on this. especially yours willy. in fact, your's is the only one that matters. that is all.

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