during his little journey he got to meet girl tony.

and hot college boys.

very hot college boys.
did i mention his ass?

oh and he fucked himself. sort of. i think. it was confusing but i guess it was like some form of masturbation.

gotta love his o face.

more of his only this time naked and uncut. do you think he's uncut?

she would know. or he would know? god this is getting confusing.

but hot. very hot.

oh and he finally broke up sid and michelle.

but back to his ass.....
front ain't bad either.
so this episode was a lot of fun. granted the whole hallucination thing was a bit much but the sex scene more than made up for it. now if we can just get something similar for maxxie all will be well. where was maxxie anyway? this episode was good but it was kinda suckish that they didn't show as much of the rest of the cast. oh well. i got to see tony's ass so im okay with. in fact they could do an entire episode of just tony's ass. and his dick. i want to know if he's uncut or not. that is all.
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